Are and really Clevertech? NO!

Imagine someone pretending to be Clevertech, deceiving people into doing work and then demanding a fee for a payment transfer. Unbelievable, right? Well, it is true, Rory Owens, John Robin and Brain Smith are the fake names used to trick people. They are using social engineering to scam people out of money and because they are using our name, we are sharing a warning.

Beware of the Imposter: Unmasking the Sneaky Scamster

We all have heard that impersonation is the highest form of flattery, but we are not impressed. With cunning tactics, they trick unsuspecting victims into performing work and then demand a fee for a “payment transfer.”

Three ways to protect yourself and others.

  1. What are some of the red flags? Look out for generic @gmail email addresses. Remember, genuine companies have their own domain, we use for all our email. Reputable companies would never ask for fees in exchange for payment transfers.
  2. What do you do? Spread awareness to protect yourself and others from falling prey to these fraudulent acts. Share this cautionary tale with colleagues, friends, and family. Stay informed and keep an eye out for red flags.
  3. Treat fraudulent activities seriously. If you encounter an imposter, report it immediately. You can write @notoscam on Telegram or you can report the email to gmail support.


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